
About Us


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KIET Knowledge Resource Centre (KIET-KRC) was established in 1998. KIET–KRC has one Central Library which has a wide collection of books, periodicals, e-resources etc. It has more than 1.89 lakh books on Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Science, Humanities etc. with more than 11458 titles and has subscribed more than 122 print periodicals. It has also subscribed to E-Resources such as e-Books (Wiley, Pearson, Oxford, McGraw Hill, PHI, Khanna and S-Chand & Vikas) & e-Journals IEEE ASPP, Bentham (Pharmacy Collection) and EBSCO (Management Collection) etc. through Myloft platform. KIET-KRC is fully air conditioned and has separate E-learning section with internet connectivity for accessing e-resources & other sites of user’s interest. It is fully automated with KOHA software and equipped with RFID system. KIET-KRC has separate facility of Book-Bank with more than 1.25 lac books, under which books are issued to the students for entire semester from KRC Book-Bank.  In addition to this the Institute has 9 departmental Libraries for reference purpose.

KIET-KRC Objectives

  1. To continuously keep updating the Institutional Library collection in order to support teaching learning process.
  2. To felicitate the Learner’s in effective utilization of Online and Offline Learning resources.
  3. Inculcating Learning beyond the curriculum among the students.


  1. KIET-KRC wishes to be a model library in the areas of multi-dimensional research, education and additional skills.
  2. KIET-KRC envisions to adapt with technology and provide the Learners with access to information in a user friendly approach.

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KIET-KRC Mission

  1. KIET-KRC hosts as an Online and Offline Resource for Learners and shall continuously keep on upgrading the collection of its resources.
  2. KIET-KRC shall provide a fundamental platform to Learners to acquire knowledge and emerge as world leaders.

KRC Central Library Working Hours

Days Timings
Monday-Friday & Working Saturday 9 A.M. to 8 P.M
Saturday, Sunday & Holiday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M
Self-Study Hall 9 A.M. to 2 A.M (midnight)

KIET–KRC Users and Privileges

Registered Members (Faculty, Staff, Students) can issue books for home study during circulation hours.

Category No. of Books Loan Period
B.Tech 4 15 Days
B.Pharma 6 15 Days
M. Tech. 5 15 Days
M. Pharma. 7 15 Days
MCA 5 15 Days
MBA 5 15 Days
D.Pharm 6 15 Days
Faculty 10 Entire Semester
Staff 2 30 days

Learning Resources

Total No. of Books 189488
Total No. of Titles 11458
Total No. of Books Central Library 174080
Total No. of Titles Central Library 9783
Total No. of Books Pharmacy Library 15408
Total No. of Titles Pharmacy Library 1675
Current Periodicals
Central Library 95
Pharmacy Library 27
E-Resources through Myloft platform
Bentham (Pharmacy Collection) 23
EBSCO (Management Collection) 1085
e-Books (Wiley, Pearson, Oxford, McGraw Hill, PHI, Khanna and S-Chand & Vikas) 461

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KIET – KRC Institutional Membership Societies

S.No. Name of Bodies Membership Mode Period Start From Membership No.
1 ISTE (Indian Society for Technical education) Institutional Life Membership 37012 IM-919
2 DELNET (Developing Library Network) Institutional Annual Jan. 2001 IM-151
3 IETE (The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers) Institutional Life Membership 38078 ORGG00259
4 IEI (The Institution of Engineers India) Institutional Life Membership Feb. 2005 IM-122
5 AIMA (All India Management Association) Institutional Annual 38200 CK-23
6 CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) Institutional Annual Feb. 2016 N53531
7 QCFI (Quality Circle Forum of India) Institutional Life Membership Oct. 2020 54001121087
8 CSI (Computer society of India) Institutional Three Years 2004 M10924

Central Library Services/Facilities

  1. Membership
  2. Circulation
  3. Reference Service
  4. Requisition Service
  5. Reservation Facility
  6. ILL Service(Inter Library Loan)
  7. Xerox Facility
  8. Book-Bank Facility
  9. User Awareness Service
  10. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
  11. Self-Study Hall Facility

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